
Kochi Biennale Art Teachers Workshop

15th & 16th FEBRUARY 2019

IADEA organised an ‘Art Teachers Workshop’ at the Kochi Muziris Biennale on the 15th and 16th of February. This one and a half day workshop was packed with a curated walkthrough of the exhibits at Aspinwall, Pepper House, MAP Project, TKM Warehouse and the Student Biennale venues.

A private session with this year’s Biennale Curator Anita Dube addressing the Art Teachers. The workshop ended on a high note on day 2 with very interesting sessions by Contemporary Artist – Parvati Nayar, Programme Manager, Art by Children (ABC) Kochi Biennale Foundation – Blaise Thomas, Assistant Curator, Kochi Biennale Foundation – Anushka Rajendran, Founder IADEA and Educator – Sara Vetteth and Artist and Educator – Sandhya Gopinath. We had 22 teachers from Mumbai, Chennai, Bhopal, Delhi come for this very exciting learning experience.