The 6th IADEA conference will be held in Chennai
At Kalakshetra on January 31st and February 1st 2025.
Every career in the future will need knowledge workers to be visually literate. Mark making with various mediums be it pencil or iPad, image framing – now that every phone is a camera, thinking in 3D using clay or the latest printers… Communicating visually is the language of tomorrow. Are you preparing your students today? Our theme for this year is Rethink Art Class.
Art class should –
- Encourage curiosity, self-expression and problem solving to prepare our young people to adapt and thrive as critical independent thinkers.
- Integrate with other subjects to help students inhabit historical contexts, explore diverse perspectives or engage in social issues through purposeful visual communication.
- Promote emotional intelligence and well-being by providing a non-judgemental outlet to process stress.
Inviting art educators from schools to a day and a half of workshops and round tables, in collaboration with Chennai Photo Biennale.
The Indian Art and Design Educators Association is a non-profit started in 2018 with the goal of providing learning and knowledge sharing opportunities for art educators across the country. Our members are over 400 art educators from 40 cities in India – these teachers collectively impact over 2,00,000 school children. The IADEA annual national conference was held first in Mumbai at the Piramal museum in 2018 and at the India International Center in Delhi in 2019. The conferences in 2020 and 2021 were conducted as virtual events. The 5th IADEA conference was hosted at the Kochi biennale.
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